Sometimes making a decision, even the smallest one, can feel like a monumental act of courage and risk. There are some decisions that call on us to dig deep and search for strength. For you, this may be the decision to start a new relationship, or even end one. It could be the decision to go back to school, quit your job or pursue a dream. For others, the decision could be what to wear, eat or watch on TV.
Being decisive is a catalyst for ACTION, CHANGE and MOVEMENT. Without a decision you are moving AWAY from your 'right life.' I often remind clients (and myself) that you are never standing still - you are either moving toward something or away from it.
What decision are you ready to make today?
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Hannah Hollett is co-owner of, a MyMindset Coach, teacher and parenting, life and business coach. She can be reached for question, comments or a complimentary personal coaching consu