Monday, November 19, 2012

How Are Your Fears Getting in the way of Gratitude?


Recently, at dinner our kids started discussing Christmas, gifts, what they needed,wanted and had to have. This eventually led to a disagreement on whether it was an 'electronics' night (whey they can use the iPad) or not. We were quietly trying to enjoy our dinner, but their minds were cluttered with STUFF. More specifically, they were worried that they didn't have enough "STUFF." 

Human fears can basically be summed up as either fears that center around "attack" ( I am in danger of being hurt, someone is out to get me, everyone hates me, etc.) or "lack" (I don't have enough... love, money, time, food,friends, toys, you name it!). When we come from a place of LACK we focus on scarcity and then we have a hard time noticing what we do have. As a result we don't connect as much with gratitude or abundance. We are left feeling like we need more - more stuff!

So how do we, as individuals and parents, deal with the lack fears so we can shift our focus (and help our children shift theirs) to gratitude and abundance?

One way to focus on gratitude and abundance is to realize that for every story we tell ourselves about what is missing in our lives (be it a relationship, the newest Lego Star Wars toy, or an iPhone27) there is an alternate story we can tell that shows us what we have.  In my family, we do this by playing a little game I call "First World Problem."

When I first told my kids about this lesson disguised as a game that I had made up, I explained to them the difference between a first world country and a third world country and gave some examples of what people often go without in third world countries that we take for granted in first world countries (running water, food, electricity, clean clothes, transportation etc.). Then each person comes up with a silly scenario that would be considered a "First World Problem." An example of a scenario we often giggle about is "I ordered a tall, nonfat, no whip mocha, but they put whipped cream on it - I am SO mad!" You guessed it - first world problem!  Now that we have been doing this for a while they have started to notice first world problems popping up all over the place. When I complain about the car being stinky because someone spilled their drink, they are quick to chime in with "first world problem." Likewise, I am happy to point out that their tantrum over what kind of candy they get to bring in their lunch is, once again, a first world problem.

This isn't about feeling guilty for having more than some people. Guilt is a useless emotion that often keeps us stuck rather than inspiring us to make changes! No, this is about GRATITUDE and noticing the things or people that you may take for granted. It is about ABUNDANCE, which means not just noticing what you have, but being a more generous and giving human being.

These next few weeks I invite you to notice when first world problems get you down. Make a game of it like we do. It's OK to smile and laugh at yourself. Laughter is good medicine. Ask yourself what role gratitude and abundance play in your life and your overall happiness. Be aware of those "lack" fears that pop up and lament you don't have enough. Above all, ask questions and then listen for the answers.

Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at MyMindset.

Would you like to develop your mindset of persistence? MyMindset can help you with our daily questions designed to shift your thinking and change your mindset. Register NOW for a FREE 5 Day trial of our Premium service which includes daily questions, inspirational quotations and support/accountability from our team of professional Life Coaches! What are you waiting for? - Find out more

Hannah Hollett is co-owner of, a MyMindset Coach, teacher and parenting, life and business coach. She can be reached for question, comments or a complimentary personal coaching consultation at  

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Persistence Pays - One Foot in Front of The Other

Persistence Pays - One Foot in Front of The Other

With a mindset of  PERSISTENCE you will...
  • Take more consistent action
  • Gain a sense of pride and accomplishment
  • Feel less burdened and lighter as a result
  • Experience a ripple effect of motivation and empowerment
  • Inspire yourself and others
  • Be aware of growth and change - in actions and thoughts
  • See tangible, measurable results

I recently finished reading the book, WILD - From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail by Cheryl Strayed. The book recounts the author's experiences leading up to and while hiking the Pacific Crest Trail. This hiking trail extends from the California/Mexico border to the Washington/Canada border and traverses several mountain ranges. The author's story is a raw, real, vulnerable and sometimes heartbreaking journey that embodies the mindset of PERSISTENCE. Despite many challenges, setbacks and oversights she puts one foot in front of the other and plods on. Ultimately, the trek changed her.

When we choose to persist, we are always rewarded. The rewards may not come in the way we thought or hoped they would, but the impact is no less great. The simple act of putting one foot in front of the other is bold and powerful - it is inspiring and inspired. 

Where would you like to be more persistent?
What is something you have accomplished through sheer force of will and persistence? 
What is your Pacific Crest Trail? How has it shaped you and impacted your life?

Would you like to develop your mindset of persistence? MyMindset can help you with our daily questions designed to shift your thinking and change your mindset. Register NOW for a FREE 5 Day trial of our Premium service which includes daily questions, inspirational quotations and support/accountability from our team of professional Life Coaches! What are you waiting for? - Find out more

Hannah Hollett is co-owner of, a MyMindset Coach, teacher and parenting, life and business coach. She can be reached for question, comments or a complimentary personal coaching consultation at  

Image Courtesy of <p>Image courtesy of hin255 / <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Cultivating a Mindset of GROWTH

Mindset: GROWTH

With a mindset of GROWTH you will:
  • Be more open to new experiences
  • Discover new learning in past experiences
  • Find out even more about yourself and others
  • Be better able to learn from and embrace challenges
  • Believe there is always room for improvement
  • Expand your comfort zone and achieve new goals

Cultivating a mindset of GROWTH can be one of the most empowering changes in your life - it can also be somewhat terrifying. Growth and change tend to go hand in hand and most people tend to avoid change. Many people like to know what to expect and when to expect it. Surprises are great when opening presents, but not necessarily as exciting when they deal with our future. The reality is that we can never fully anticipate how things will unfold for us. Life is unpredictable and has as many twists and turns as the Old Hana Highway (a notoriously curvy road on the island of Maui that has been the result of many bouts of car sickness for me!).

While we can't necessarily predict the future, we can learn how to navigate our lives in such a way that is more peaceful. One of the ways to do this is embracing the mindset of GROWTH.

Here are some simple tips that will help you CULTIVATE A MINDSET OF GROWTH:
  1. Welcome and INVITE feedback from people. This can take some practice if you tend to be sensitive so go slowly. There is something so powerful about accessing many perspectives through constructive criticism and feedback. It not only helps you see areas for improvement, but it reminds you that there are always new and different things you can do to improve.                   FEEDBACK = GROWTH! 
  2. Take the time needed to PRACTICE whatever it is you are working on. If you are learning knitting take time regularly to knit. Same with a sport, a new language or even a change in your mindset. We tend to get frustrated when we don't see the growth we desire immediately. However, growth takes time, which is why we say "cultivate a mindset of growth." Think of what it takes to grow a plan - it needs, water, food, sunlight and most of all time.                                                                            PRACTICE = GROWTH!
  3. Learn to see FAILURE as a step in the right direction. Failure means you are taking risks, giving things a shot and, in a word, GROWING. Each time you try something and it doesn't turn out the way you had hoped or intended you are learning.                                                                                        FAILURE = GROWTH!
It is that simple. Cultivating a mindset of growth requires feedback. practice and a willingness to fail.

We would love to hear your stories and personal experience. Please share them with us at or share them in the comments below!

 Sign up for a FREE TRIAL or REFER YOUR FRIENDS to receive daily questions, quotations and coaching support to help you change your mindset and change your life!

Hannah Hollett is a MyMindset Coach as well as a parenting, life and business coach. She can be reached for question, comments or a complimentary personal coaching consultation at

Image Courtesy of <p>Image courtesy of [image creator name] / <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>

Monday, September 24, 2012

This Week's Mindset: CONFIDENCE

With a mindset of CONFIDENCE you will...
  • understand & appreciate your strengths
  • feel empowered to take action
  • gain clarity about areas you’d like to move forward in
  • gain momentum
  • increase the level of belief you have in yourself

Where could you use more CONFIDENCE?
When was the last time you felt CONFIDENT? What was going on in your life that may have supported this?
What small step could you take TODAY to increase your confidence?

Here are a few ideas for boosting your confidence- they usually work for me:
  1. Try something new, but simple. This month I decided to learn how to can. Once I got over my fear of giving my entire family botulism I found it not only fun, but empowering! What will you try your hand at?
  2. Do something that you haven't done in a while and you know you don't completely suck at. Play a sport you know a bit about, make a dish that never fails you, pick up an old hobby. I recently decided to start playing tennis again - I am not GREAT, but I could suck way more than I do:)
  3. Hang out with people who fill you up and avoid those that suck you dry! When you could use a bit of self-esteem, confidence and good mojo that last thing you need to do is be around people who are takers. And yes, sometimes this can even include members of your own family!
  4. DO SOMETHING - anything! Pick an item off your to-do list and get it done. Make a call you have been putting off. Clean a closet. Whatever you do, just DO SOMETHING. There is nothing like a little action to help you gain momentum and experience more confidence.
  5. Take some time to reflect on all the things you have overcome, accomplished, and made happen in your life. Use this past experience as FUEL. Be inspired by yourself. You are amazing!
This week's MyMindset questions, quotations and coaching support will all focus on your mindset of CONFIDENCE. Sign up for a FREE TRIAL or REFER YOUR FRIENDS if you are already enjoying our service!

Hannah Hollett is a MyMindset Coach as well as a parenting, life and business coach. She can be reached for question, comments or a complimentary personal coaching consultation at

Monday, September 17, 2012

The More You Give...

This Week's Mindset is: CONTRIBUTION

From what we get, we can make a living; what we give, however, makes a life. Arthur Ashe

When we extend our wisdom and vision beyond our own lives we can have a profound impact on others, the world and community we live in and ultimately our own sense of belonging and contribution. This is why having a mindset of CONTRIBUTION is such an integral part of living life to its fullest and experiencing peace and joy in the process.

Notice what happens when you shift your focus from your own perceived problems. Have you ever been having a bad day and out of the blue had the opportunity to help someone else? Maybe it was something as simple as helping them carry their groceries, offering to drive their child to an after school event, or just giving them some words of encouragement. What often happens, is that we see our impact on others and it improves our mood. It can even give us a greater sense of purpose.

In fact, studies show that people who participate in meaningful activities (such as helping others, listening to friends’ problems and/or pursuing one’s life goals) are happier and feel a greater sense of purpose in life (Michael Steger, University of Louisville in Kentucky - published in Journal of Research in Personality). This doesn’t mean you have to quit your job, take a vow of poverty and live only to serve others. What it DOES mean is that developing a mindset of contribution and generativity  (the ability to give to others) can improve the quality of your life and even your health.

Here are some simple suggestions for creating a mindset of contribution:

  • Ask yourself daily, is there something I can do to make life easier, better or more pleasant for someone?
  • Commit a ‘random act of kindness’-  something that makes a random act of kindness particularly pleasing is the anonymity of it. This helps keep your focus on the other person, rather than yourself.
  • Contemplate your talents, strengths and gifts and then find ways to share them with people. Do you love making homemade note cards? Consider donating them to a local assisted living community - better yet go teach them how to make the cards themselves!
  • Never underestimate the power of a KIND WORD. A well placed, authentic, meaningful compliment can change the course of someone’s day. 
  • Read the Giving Tree, by Shel Silverstein. This wonderful book can enlighten and inspire you. 

This week's MyMindset questions, quotations and coaching support will all focus on your mindset of CONTRIBUTION. Sign up for a FREE TRIAL or REFER YOUR FRIENDS if you are already enjoying our service!

Hannah Hollett is a MyMindset Coach as well as a parenting, life and business coach. She can be reached for question, comments or a complimentary personal coaching consultation at

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Navigating Transition

This Week's Mindset is: TRANSITION

One thing that is certain (besides death and taxes) is that transitions are a part of everyone's lives. 
Transitions can happen as the result of life choices, unexpected events and even nature - think seasonal transitions! In fact, fall was the inspiration for our Mindset this week. Even though it isn't officially fall until September 22nd (at 10:49 EDT to be exact) there is a change in the air already. Students and teachers are back at school, the weather has begun to shift, and school supplies and Halloween candy have replaced BBQs and lawn chairs in store displays.

My husband is a teacher and he is currently transitioning back into 'work mode,' and my kids are transitioning into their new roles as a fifth grader and a first grader. Our family is experiencing transitions as we begin to take on a more active role as caregivers to our aging grandparents and parents.

Where are you experiencing transition in your life? Perhaps you have recently started a new relationship or ended one. Maybe you have moved or changed jobs. You could be a new parent or student. You could be experiencing a new role at home as your children enter a new phase in their lives.You could be dealing with the loss of someone close to you or a change in your own health.

Transition is defined simply as:
A movement, passage, or change from one position, state, stage, subject, concept, etc., to another; change
What the definition doesn't tell us is how to navigate the many transitions in our lives. Here are a couple of tips from MyMindset to help you manage transitions in the most peaceful way... because change, expected or unexpected, is inevitable, but suffering doesn't have to be.

Step 1: Examine the Transition. Do this by asking yourself some questions (we LOVE questions at MyMindset!). What is the learning in this transition? What are the positives and negatives? What opportunities might result from this transition. Transitions are far less scary and mysterious when we approach them with curiosity rather than denial or avoidance.

Step 2: Understand Yourself. Use what you know about your unique style of coping with change. How have you managed transitions in the past? What did you learn from this? What worked? What would you like to change this time around? What resources are available to you? What do you need most right now?

Step 3: Take a Look at Your Support System.  Who is available to provide the support you need? Who are the people who will 'fill you up' and who are those who drain you? Is there information you would like or need right now? Would a coach be a helpful addition to your support team?

Step 4: Consider Your Options. You may not need or want to take any steps yet. That is OK. If you are ready to make a move, consider your options and explore possibilities. Create an action plan with the help of a coach or supportive friend. 

MyMindset's questions, quotations and coaching this week is all designed to help you manage transitions and navigate change in your life. Could you or someone you know benefit from support this week? Try a FREE TRIAL of MyMindset! Click Here to get started!

Hannah Hollett is a MyMindset Coach as well as a parenting, life and business coach. She can be reached for question, comments or a complimentary personal coaching consultation at

Monday, August 27, 2012

Tapping Into Your Spirit of Adventure

This Week's Mindset:

*This is an excerpt from Janette Valentino's newsletter -  to read the entire article please CLICK HERE

It's fun to hear from different people what they think is adventurous. For some, it's all about testing their bodies - runs, hikes, bike rides, surfing, etc. Or it can be about traveling to exotic places or maybe doing (crazy, at least in my mind) things like sky diving or bungee jumping. No matter what kind of Adventure you choose and whether it is big or small, it's really the Spirit that accompanies the concept that we can learn a lot from. So, take a moment and think back to the last good adventure you had. Maybe it was earlier today, last week or last year. What about that adventure made it so good, would you say? What are some of the elements that were present that made it really feel like an adventure?

In general, one of the most fundamental things about Adventure, is that it brings an element of excitement with it. Whether it's something dare-devil like or perhaps an everyday unknown for us, it still feels exciting. There's that feeling of new-ness and/or possibility. What will happen if I do this?, you might think. There might be uncertainty, which can feel scary AND exciting at the same time. And there can also be an air of playfulness around it--that feeling of play that we sometimes forget about in our daily lives.

One part of the spirit of big adventures is the feeling of testing our limits. It could be argued that the more you are testing your limits, the more adventurous it feels. I remember when I went to Sweden in 2002. I'd lived there before, but never on my own. I decided I wanted to try that and to try teaching Business English (also a new thing for me). I had a temporary place to live (for a couple weeks) and I had some ideas for work, but nothing concrete or stable at all. So I went off - figuring it would all work out & if it didn't, then I'd just go back home to California.

For some people, going off to another country with 2 suitcases is very brave. For me, mostly it just felt adventurous. It did bring up the feeling of testing my limits in some ways. In this case, it was the limits of living with the unknown - having a general idea of the work I wanted and just knowing that things would fall into place in terms of somewhere to live and a job that I liked. It did work out. And there were plenty of smaller adventures along the way. For me, this period of my life was full of the adventure spirit - excitement, new-ness, exploration, learning & growth.

So, now over to you...what are some of your favorite types of adventures? Is it time for a new big adventure in your life? Perhaps you'd like to start a list of some of the adventures you'd like to experience at some point in your life. Go ahead...start that list right now.

Janette Valentino is a Certified Professional Life Coach who works with clients around the world. With her MA in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages), she spent 11 years working at the university level and in the corporate world with students and executives -- supporting them in their personal growth related to language development. With the shift to coaching, the focus changed a bit while the qualities of support, fun, creativity, encouragement and inspiration that Janette brings to work with clients became even stronger. Coaching is like going on a journey and having lived in Europe in four different periods for a total of 18 years, Janette knows a lot about journeys. She loves to be a traveling companion to her clients on their personal journeys of exploration and discovery -- whatever the destination. Janette has made and had many big changes in her life and is passionate about coaching people through changes (either ones that have happened or want to happen) and the transition process that follows. She can be reached at

Image courtesy of wiangya /
<p>Image: <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Gratitude for the Science Geek - With a Little Woo Woo on the Side!

This Week's MINDSET

Gratitude isn't a new mindset. In fact, the way we talk and think about gratitude has become almost cliche.  Every other  magazine article and self-help guru seem to be encouraging an 'attitude of gratitude.' WHY? What is all this gratitude hoopla about?

Turns out there is scientific research showing the benefits of gratitude. And if you are anything like me - a combination of straight up hippie woo-woo and science geek - you like to know there is something quantifiable and factual to support the good vibe you are seeking. In fact, there is A LOT of research on the benefits of gratitude. I am not going to talk about each of the studies highlighted below - instead see the links below with a brief explanation next to each one. These represent a tiny fraction of what is out there. Check them out, read the data and research, observe the findings, and when you feel like you have enough evidence, read on and I will share my favorite reasons to adopt a mindset of gratitude! Finally, sign up for a FREE TRIAL of MyMindset this week and experience a daily dose of gratitude questions, quotations and coaching!

  • Gratitude strengthens your immune system, making you healthier and less susceptible to stress-related illnesses (which account for as much as 90% of all visits to the doctor) - including cancer and heart disease which are the leading causes of death.
My favorite reasons to adopt a MINDSET OF GRATITUDE (the 'woo-woo' part):
  1. Gratitude magnifies positive emotions and calls us to celebrate what IS, which helps us be more present. Gratitude allows you to notice what is around you.
  2. Gratitude encourages you to release control by reminding us to accept life as it is and be grateful for what we have.
  3. Gratitude is an amazing and effective antidote to comparing your life to someone else's. It reminds you that you don't need to 'measure up' to a standard set by our families, friends or the media. You are exactly where you need to be.
  4. Gratitude is a reminder that you get to choose how you translate your life. You always have a choice about how you look at things or how you 'spin' things. Choose gratitude.
  5. When we choose a mindset of gratitude we are letting the people around us know that we are open to growth, change and possibility. It helps you be open to opportunities, more gratitude, positive energy and new ideas.  
What inspires YOU to adopt a mindset of GRATITUDE? Share your stories at would love to share them in a future blog post!

Could YOU or someone you know benefit from  a mindset of GRATITUDE? This week would be the perfect time for a FREE TRIAL of's Daily Questions (each one inspiring you to adopt a mindset of gratitude), Inspirational Quotations and Professional Coaching Support! Click Here to  request an invitation for you or a friend today!  

Hannah Hollett is a MyMindset Coach as well as a parenting, life and business coach. She can be reached for question, comments or a complimentary personal coaching consultation at

Monday, August 13, 2012

The Magnifying Mirror

This Week's Mindset is: SELF-AWARENESS

The Magnifying Mirror

It’s easy to get frustrated when you just can’t see like you used to. I use to watch my mother applying her make up and plucking her eyebrows with her magnifying mirror. I remember thinking that will never happen to me. Well, like they say never say never!  Today, I’m officially the owner of not one, but several, magnifying mirrors.  Each time I look at one I’m reminded that I have officially reached mid life! Ouch!

I recently was traveling with a friend who saw me using my 10X magnifying mirror and she said “why do you want to see your face so close up?”  She said she would rather not look at any part of her face that close.   I said “I would rather see ‘what is’ than be in denial.” I’m not afraid to see my wrinkles.

Aha! The magnifying mirror! What else do I need to see more clearly? For most of my life I feel as though I have conformed and lived the life I believed I was “supposed” to live. Like all the good robots that surrounded me, I spent each day going through the motions. I spent much of my life experiencing guilt for feeling frustrated, unfulfilled, and at times pretty depressed - after all, I had so much to be grateful for in the eyes of others!

At 50, I feel empowered to see life through my own eyes, to look closer and question how I am living. No longer do I ask “how should I feel”? Today, I ask “how do I really feel?”. I know that whatever I discover I can handle it with ease and acceptance. I know that the information I uncover will give me a greater sense of peace and happiness. The answers to my questions will take my hand and lead me where I want to go. Freedom replaces frustration when I’m able to admit..I want this, or I think this, or I feel this without any fear.

Becoming honest is not just an act of self-awareness, but an act of self renewal.

My magnify mirrors are no longer a reminder that I’m growing older, they remind me I'm growing wiser. They remind me to keep looking inside and zoom in every day on who I am and what I want. They are a reminder to live in alignment with what I discover and notice how much more beautiful I become! It is so true that your inner beauty is your true beauty!  This is a beauty that costs nothing and cannot be taken away with age!  A beauty that has the potential to only get better!

Tami Carbone is the CEO and Founder of Tami is passionate about helping people overcome limiting beliefs and live from their hearts and has been coaching them to do just that for over a decade.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012



With the Olympics in full swing we are all familiar with the stories of athletes who have overcome challenges, defied the odds and 'made it happen!'

What motivates them? What drives them to train for hours and hours a day? Is it the chance of a medal hanging around their neck? The possibility of million dollar endorsement deals? The recognition of their peers and fans? Or is it something far more pure - perhaps the JOY of doing what they love?

We can spark motivation in lots of ways, but maintaining motivation often requires a shift in mindset. How do you take your motivation from the spark to the lasting flame?

When motivation is paired with INSPIRED ACTION we are much more likely to stick with it. In fact, inspired action compels us, drives us and can even feel effortless.

The key to maintaining motivation is to look at the thought that is driving the action. Let's look at a simple routine like daily exercise. What motivates you each day? Your thoughts around this will likely fall into one of two categories - positive (inspiring) thoughts or negative (fearful) thoughts.

  • Negative/Fearful Thought: I don't want to be a failure and a slacker. I am going to haul myself out of bed and get this over with!

This thought can motivate you in the short term. You will likely get out of bed. But how long will it last? We are hard-wired to avoid pain. The fearful thought that if you don't exercise you will be a failure will only motivate you until your desire to avoid pain becomes too strong - at which point, you will STOP EXERCISING!

  • POSITIVE/INSPIRING THOUGHT: I make time for exercise because I love how it makes me feel and I want to keep experiencing that!

A positive thought can create a LASTING HABIT and motivate you to take INSPIRED ACTION. It leaves you feeling proud, happy and generally at peace. Because it isn't attached to pain it as more staying power.

So many of us have been led to believe that motivation comes from accessing our inner critic or drill sergeant.  And then we wonder why we are unmotivated to maintain a routine or healthy habit. Again, we are wired to avoid pain. We will tolerate it and even convince ourselves it is the only way, but eventually we will simply STOP.

Where could you use some positive motivation and a shift in your mindset? What inspiring thought can help you create a lasting habit?

Hannah Hollett is a MyMindset Coach as well as a parenting, life and business coach.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Gratitude & Happiness - A Perfect Match!

Week of July 30th

The week's mindset is HAPPINESS
We want to hear from you and include your HAPPINESS LIST on our blog! What are some simple things you do to boost your mood and increase your happiness?? Send your list to

One of the simplest ways to boost your happiness is to shift your focus to what you are grateful for...
Below, Coach Janette Valentino explores using a gratitude journal to capture pure joy and happiness in the present moment . This is an excerpt from Janette's Newsletter, Valentino Coaching. Click Here to read the complete newsletter.

Pure joy in the present moment is never far away. The more you focus on what you're grateful for, the more things you notice to be grateful for. I know that my gratitude journals helped me slow down a bit and see things I wouldn't ordinarily see. They helped me notice small things that happened that made me smile or that touched me or that brought me joy or pleasure in some way. Here are some examples:
  • April 19th, 2001: I'm grateful for the little bird I saw this morning with a leaf in its mouth.
  • September 4th, 2002: For the nice man with the cat that pumped my bicycle tire
  • January 2nd, 2006: For going outside without a coat and not having to change shoes! (This was when I was living in snowy, cold Sweden and was in California for my Christmas visit.)
When I look at entries like these (and there are lots of them), I realize how small things make such a difference. It helps me remember that me smiling at a stranger can make their day as well. My friendliness or my concern can make a huge difference. It also helps me pay attention. I noticed things in nature, the light, the air so much more when I started writing down these things (now it's automatic). And lastly, it reminds me that the beautiful, small things are at my fingertips constantly, every day.  

So now it's your turn. Think about your day so far or your day yesterday, and what were some very small things that made a difference - something you did or saw or felt or something that someone else did or said. Come up with one or two things and sit with them a moment. What can you do today to be present, to appreciate, to make a difference (to yourself or to someone else)?

Janette Valentino is a Certified Professional Life Coach who works with clients around the world. With her MA in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages), she spent 11 years working at the university level and in the corporate world with students and executives -- supporting them in their personal growth related to language development. With the shift to coaching, the focus changed a bit while the qualities of support, fun, creativity, encouragement and inspiration that Janette brings to work with clients became even stronger. Coaching is like going on a journey and having lived in Europe in four different periods for a total of 18 years, Janette knows a lot about journeys. She loves to be a traveling companion to her clients on their personal journeys of exploration and discovery -- whatever the destination. Janette has made and had many big changes in her life and is passionate about coaching people through changes (either ones that have happened or want to happen) and the transition process that follows. She can be reached at

Thursday, July 26, 2012


Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.  Maya Angelou

What is success? What makes you successful? What prevents you from feeling even more successful? Are you allowing someone else to define success for you?

When I started thinking about success I realized that I often (read: always!) tie success to money. There is a deep part of me that as held the belief that if I wasn't bringing in money I wasn't successful. I am someone who coaches clients around finding their passions, living their dreams and pushing their limits and yet I had boxed myself in with a narrow definition of success. Without even realizing it.

Why didn't I realize it? Because I hadn't really taken the time to consider what success means to me, how I define it and how it defines me. I hadn't asked the questions about success that would help me access my beliefs - either positive or limiting.

The simple act of reading a question, reflecting on it and answering it authentically has opened my eyes and helped me go from Auto Pilot to Super Pilot!  I could have unconsciously stayed in that little box, had I not actively questioned what success means for me. Instead I am choosing to take the path of discovery and empowerment. The path of questioning, re-defining, and learning.

MyMindset's daily questions may seem like sweet little ways to encourage thought, but they are really power packed, life changing, reminders that we can live our lives according to a set of standards and beliefs we create or that someone else creates. We get to choose. What are you choosing?

Hannah Hollett is a life coach, mom, entrepreneur, educator and the COO of

Monday, July 16, 2012

MyMindset News - Week of July 16th

Beginning Monday, July 23rd we will no longer offer an evening reflection question. Look for a new and improved version of this feature to return in the fall of 2012!

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Did you know that each of our MyMindset Coaches is available for individual coaching sessions?

Is there a particular coach that seems to just 'get' you? Are you ready to work on a specific area of your life even more intentionally? Check out each of our coaches, their specialties and what they offer. Then contact them to set up a complimentary coaching call and hear about their offerings and packages. Check out our coaches and their information below:

Jarlin Sung is the founder of Self Love Coaching and a Martha Beck-trained life coach who helps successful men and women who are feeling stuck and unfulfilled find their unique purpose and live an authentic life of joy and happiness. She regularly provides advice on how to live a purpose-based and joyful life via her weekly Shine & Illuminate eZine. Are you ready to discover your life purpose? Sign up for your subscription at and receive Jarlin’s 21-day Awaken Your Inner Guide self-study program FREE! If you are interested in private coaching with Jarlin, please contact her at 408.982.6110 or to set up a 60min FREE "get-acquainted" call!

Beth Chen is a certified life coach who specializes in working with clients in career transition.  She has particular experience in helping people downshift from a demanding professional career to a more balanced life, and the financial and lifestyle changes that come with such a change.  Having downshifted from being a lawyer in large firms in New York City and Washington DC, she now helps her clients tune in to their own inner wisdom and handle objections from friends and family who may be scared about the client's new path.  For more about Beth, visit her website at www.bethchencom.  From her site, you can sign up for her newsletter and book a free 30 minute consultation to see if working with Beth is right for you.

Heather Sobieralski is a Board Certified Coach and Counselor who supports women in creating more to life than their chosen roles.  She recognizes that when you take care of everyone and everything else you often completely neglect yourself.  As a result, you can lose passion, energy, direction and sanity! She challenges you to explore who you are in addition to "mom", "wife" or "employee."  Heather inspires you to eliminate existing believes about how you think you should be living and encourages you to define your core values so you can effectively set your priorities and goals.  She will guide you in exercises that focus on your identity and the necessity of self-care while effectively balancing your motherload of responsibilities.  When you get extremely clear about the life YOU want to live, you become immensely happier- and as a result, become more present and engaged in all areas of your life and roles.  You can learn more about Heather by visiting or by contacting her directing for a 30 minute complimentary session at

Janette Valentino (Coach Janette) is a Certified Professional Life Coach who works with clients around the world. She specializes in supporting people through transitional phases in their lives, whether these result from internal or external changes. Whatever the transition, the focus is always on helping people find the 'more' that they are looking for. Janette knows from experience that life is too short to live it in a way that is 'just fine'! You can find out more about Janette and her coaching by visiting her website, There, you can sign up for her monthly newsletter, read her blog or book a free, 30 minute consultation. You can also reach her directly at  

Hannah trained and certified to become a Life Coach with Dr. Martha Beck, best selling author, O Magazine columnist, and pioneer Life Coach. Her background in Education, Conflict Resolution, Mediation and Parenting Instruction make Life Coaching a natural progression. Hannah's passion for helping others has always been at the forefront of each path she has taken. Hannah is the mother of two children who inspire her daily - to be more patient, to be more calm and to ask even better questions. She is also married to a Science Teacher who keeps her grounded in the present while still supporting her love of all things "woo-woo." She is also the very proud  COO of Hannah assists people in navigating transitions and challenges while simultaneously helping them uncover their true path & passion in life., 

Anna has over a decade experience in providing both individuals and families with guidance, resulting in an overall better quality of life. She also leads group seminars on public speaking, anxiety/stress-reduction and self-confidence and assertiveness trainings. Anna is trained and certified by Dr. Martha Beck; life coach and columnist for Oprah Winfrey’s O magazine. If you feel like life is one big compromise and you are struggling to find peace and joy, Anna is the coach for you. With gentle intuition and customized exercises she will help you move forward and enable you to live your true life. Anna is fluent in English, Dutch and German. You can reach anna at:
 or Phone: + 31 6 43548079