Thursday, July 26, 2012


Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.  Maya Angelou

What is success? What makes you successful? What prevents you from feeling even more successful? Are you allowing someone else to define success for you?

When I started thinking about success I realized that I often (read: always!) tie success to money. There is a deep part of me that as held the belief that if I wasn't bringing in money I wasn't successful. I am someone who coaches clients around finding their passions, living their dreams and pushing their limits and yet I had boxed myself in with a narrow definition of success. Without even realizing it.

Why didn't I realize it? Because I hadn't really taken the time to consider what success means to me, how I define it and how it defines me. I hadn't asked the questions about success that would help me access my beliefs - either positive or limiting.

The simple act of reading a question, reflecting on it and answering it authentically has opened my eyes and helped me go from Auto Pilot to Super Pilot!  I could have unconsciously stayed in that little box, had I not actively questioned what success means for me. Instead I am choosing to take the path of discovery and empowerment. The path of questioning, re-defining, and learning.

MyMindset's daily questions may seem like sweet little ways to encourage thought, but they are really power packed, life changing, reminders that we can live our lives according to a set of standards and beliefs we create or that someone else creates. We get to choose. What are you choosing?

Hannah Hollett is a life coach, mom, entrepreneur, educator and the COO of

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